Modelling Smart Grids 2018

Modelling, Optimization and Detection


September 20th - 22nd, 2018


Main goal of the workshop is to connect researchers and energy providers, traders and operators. The workshop will focus on using modern optimization, statistical and computational methods suitable for analysis of big data, creation of advanced forecast models for both deterministic and probabilistic prediction, development of new optimization methods for energy leak management, environmental quality improvement, etc.

Round table discussion with introductory talks given by leading representatives of Czech energy industry and research, and by representatives of European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics, will form part of the workshop. Language of the round table discussion will be both Czech and English, translation will be provided.

Main output of the workshop will be up-to-date knowledge transfer from the researches to the users and, conversely, opening new research targets and horizons as required by the power and gas industry.


September 20th:

Modelling, Optimization and Detection

September 21:th

Energy day 2018

Round table discussion

September 22nd:

Energy Systems Modelling

Program in pdf     Book of abstracts     Prezentations

Keynote speakers

Jean-Michel Poggi, University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France

Jaroslav Sixta, Czech Statistical Office

Microsoft CZ, Huawei CZ

Invited speakers

Jaromír Antoch, MFF UK, Gejza Dohnal, CTU Prague, Ivo Bukovský, CTU Prague, Michal Černý, UE Prague, Jiří Fink, MFF UK, Marek Brabec, CAS, Emil Pelikán, CAS, Hynek Beran , CTU


Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics
Jugoslávských partyzánů 3, Praha 6 - Dejvice
(Thursday) - metro line A

Czech Statistical Office
Na padesátém 3268/81, Praha 10
(Friday) - metro Skalka, line A

Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Karlovo náměstí 13, Praha 2 - Nové Město
(Saturday) - metro line B


Scientific program committee

Ron Kenett

Marek Rojíček
Czech Statistical Office

Organizing committee

Ondřej Vozár
Czech Statistical Office

Lucie Bartoňová

contact email

Call for Abstracts

All participants are invited to submit a short abstract of their contribution. Please follow the instructions stated in the template. All accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of abstracts. The deadline for abstract submission is June 1, 2018.

Selected contributions will be published in a special issue of Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (ASMBI), the official journal of the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics.. The special issue will be devoted to Energy Networks and Stochastic Optimization. Papers should present either innovative methodologies or forceful applications of existing methods. All submissions will go through the standard, selective review process of ASMBI. The guest editors of this issue are Ron Kenett, Jaromir Antoch and Gejza Dohnal.

Interested authors are invited to first submit a tentative title and draft abstract of what they intend to write about. The abstracts will undergo a fast turnaround review and, following that, authors will be invited to submit full length papers. Energy networks and stochastic optimization will be considered in a wide sense and include not only probabilistic and statistical modeling, but also corresponding optimization aspects. Questions about this special issue can be addressed to anyone of the editors. Abstracts should be submitted by email, with subject stating ASMBI, to Jaromir Antoch. A template for the abstract is available here.

The schedule is: Due date
Submission of abstract: June 1, 2018
Completion of abstract review cycle: July 1, 2018
Submission of paper: October 1, 2018
Completion of review cycle: December 31, 2018 Submission of final versions: June 1, 2019


Registration form

... will be open in April 2018 ...


The workshop and round table are supported by the Czech Academy of Sciences within the framework of the research program Strategie AV21, the research program Centre of Advanced Aeronautic Technologies, Czech Technical University in Prague, Charles University in Prague, Czech Statistical Office and Czech Statistical Society