Energy days 2023

Modelling, Optimization and Current Trends

November 10-11, 2023


Main goal of the workshop is to connect researchers and energy providers, traders and operators. The workshop will focus on using modern optimization, statistical and computational methods suitable for analysis of big data, creation of advanced forecast models for both deterministic and probabilistic prediction, development of new optimization methods for energy leak management, environmental quality improvement, etc.

Sustainable energy, also known as renewable energy, refers to energy sources that are naturally replenished and have a minimal impact on the environment. These energy sources are considered sustainable because they can be used indefinitely without depleting natural resources or causing significant harm to the planet.

The scientific impact on the theme of sustainable energy is significant and ongoing. Scientists and researchers play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of renewable energy sources, improving their efficiency, and developing innovative technologies to harness and utilize these energy sources more effectively. Here are a few key scientific impacts in this field:

  1. Technological advancements: Scientists contribute to the development of new and improved technologies for harnessing and utilizing sustainable energy. They work on enhancing the efficiency of solar panels, wind turbines, and other renewable energy systems. Through research and development, they aim to make sustainable energy technologies more cost-effective, reliable, and scalable.
  2. Energy storage: One of the challenges with renewable energy sources is intermittent generation, meaning they are not always available when needed. Scientists are actively involved in researching and developing energy storage solutions to store excess energy produced during peak generation periods and release it during times of high demand. Advancements in battery technology and other energy storage systems are vital for the integration of sustainable energy into the grid.
  3. Grid integration and smart grids: Scientists study how to integrate renewable energy sources into existing power grids efficiently. They explore methods to balance electricity supply and demand, manage variability, and ensure grid stability. Additionally, they research and develop smart grid technologies that enable better monitoring, control, and optimization of energy distribution and consumption.
  4. Environmental impact assessment: Scientists conduct studies to assess the environmental impact of different sustainable energy technologies. They investigate potential effects on ecosystems, wildlife, air quality, and water resources. These assessments help policymakers and stakeholders make informed decisions regarding the deployment and management of renewable energy projects.
  5. Policy and economics: Scientists provide valuable input for policymakers in developing energy policies and regulations that promote sustainable energy. They contribute to economic analysis, assessing the costs and benefits of renewable energy deployment, and identifying the most effective incentive mechanisms and support structures.

Overall, the scientific community's ongoing research and discoveries in sustainable energy contribute to the advancement of technologies, policies, and practices that facilitate the transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.

Round table discussion with introductory talks given by leading representatives of Czech energy industry and research, and by invited European experts in this field, will form part of the workshop. Language of the round table discussion will be both Czech and English, translation will be provided.

Main output of the workshop will be up-to-date knowledge transfer from the researches to the users and, conversely, opening new research targets and horizons as required by the power and gas industry.


Czech Statistical Office, Na padesátém 81, Prague 10 (November 10)

Czech Technical University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Karlovo nám. 13, Prague 2 (November 11)


The following invited speakers will speak at the Friday program in the Czech Statistical Office
(names in alphabetical order, affiliation and title of contribution).
| Book of Abstracts in pdf | Program in pdf |

Jaromír Antoch

Charles University in Prague,
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Vítězslav Benda

Czech Technical University,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Hynek Beran

Czech Society for Energy

Eliška Cézová

Czech Technical University,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Jakub Dostál

Palacký University of Olomouc,
Faculty of Science

Zdeněk Fabián

Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic,
Institute of Informatics

Antonín Fejfar

Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic,
Institute of Physics

Pavel Janeček

Pražská plynárenská,
former CEO

Markéta Jankovská

Dotace Celkom

Miloš Kopa, Karel Kozmík

Charles University in Prague,
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Frank Lenzmann

Energy reasearch center of Netherlands (ECN)

Ondřej Mamula

Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics

Emil Pelikán

Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic,
Institute of Informatics

Jaroslav Sixta

Czech Statistical Office

Florian Sobieczky

Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH, Austria

Vladimír Wágner

Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic,
Institute of Nuclear Physics

Saturday's program in the building of the Czech Technical University on Charles Place (Karlovo náměstí 13) is devoted to round table discussion.

Call for Abstracts

All participants are invited to submit a short abstract of their contribution.
The deadline for abstract submission is November 1, 2023.


The workshop and round table are supported by the Czech Academy of Sciences within the framework of the research program Strategie AV21, Czech Technical University in Prague, Charles University in Prague, Czech Statistical Office,and Czech Statistical Society

Scientific program committee:

Organizing committee:

Lucie Bartoňová


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